Springing ahead

These days, when I come to my furniture restoration class, the teacher slaps her arms around her body saying ‘Qué frío!’ (What a cold!)

People in our town say that Ronda has no spring. They claim we go straight …

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Jamón, jamón!

There are butchers and then there are butchers and when it comes to Spain, these are a veritable institution in their own right.

Sadly, when it comes to my own place of birth, butchers are dying breeds. Not because Norwegians …

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Another Camino

Il Camino simply means ‘the path’ or ‘the road’ in Spanish. Most people might think of il camino de Santiago, the famous pilgrims-route from France and all across the Iberian continent. However, there are innumerous known and unknown, longer …

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Yuletide interlude

What is Christmas? The birth of a man called Jesus? Santa Claus on his sleigh riding across the sky? Piles of presents and overstuffed turkey? To me, Christmas is traditions and family and this year for the first time in …

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