57! Me? How did that happen?

You know when you are young and regard everyone say over thirty as ‘ancient’? Then comes the day when you pass the 30-mark yourself and suddenly they don’t seem old anymore. The same happens as you become 40 and 50, and according to my mum who will be 90 this year, even at 80.  …

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Spain’s one kilometre of freedom

  I cannot believe it. We are walking again!!! I mean real walks, outside in the open, step by bouncy step, arms moving like overeager pendulums, lungs drinking in much-needed change of air and starved eyes rejoicing at the open landscape. After seven weeks of being confined to our homes while the rest of Europe…

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Mindfulness through the quiet storm

It was bound to happen sooner or later. The virus, I mean. The planet is a very small place, and we are all interconnected – in sickness and in health, as the traditional wedding vow goes. Take the example of Spain. With a staggering 83.7 million tourists visiting last year, this country is like a…

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An unforgettable visit to Juzcar’s Royal Tin Factory winery – dramatic history, natural synergy, exquisite wine and Boho interiors

Originally published in the March 2020 edition of Essential Marbella Magazine How can an 18th Century former military tin factory in a remote, off-the-grid valley produce some of Andalucía’s most sophisticated wine? The answer lies not so much in the soil but with the man who fell in love with a historical ruin, transforming it…

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Lérida and the lesser known Spain

If you ask what Andalusians know about northern Spain, they might say the Camino de Santiago or Costa Brava, but almost certainly nobody will mention Lérida. So, when a ‘native’ friend invited my husband and I to explore her home province, we immediately signed up to find out more about this lesser known part of…

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Going Nuts in La Serranía de Ronda

For most people nuts come shelled, bleached, salted, and packaged until they are but a pale relation of the original fruit. Here in the Spanish south though, nuts still grow on trees. Frutos Secos (dried fruits) as they are called are named after their low water content and include all nuts and some seeds. In…

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