When the young buzzard came to town

Ever since my dad took my sister and I to see Disney’s Jungle Book at the World Theatre in my little hometown in the late 1960s, I have had a special affinity for vultures. Remember the friendly barbershop-quartet in the bleak petrified desert? Originally, Beatles’ manager wanted the band to record the song for the movie,…

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Osuna and the unknown Spain

In a country with an abundance of historical and archeological sites, many places get overlooked and others are left to ruin. There isn’t enough money in the Spanish coffers to restore all and even though some 50 million tourists visit Spain every year, many astonishing places are overlooked or forgotten. Living here one gets used…

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My Andalucían Fields of Gold

  Looking out my window this morning, I see fields of pure gold. Gold and dust. Summer is here. The Andalucían winter landscape is foggy and mystical, shrouded in dark greens and cool greys. Come February, things start to change. The fields go electric green, by April interspersed by a plethora of multi-coloured blooms. By…

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The lesson of loss

For the past few weeks I have had the sorrow and also the privilege of spending the last days and indeed hours of my father’s life at his bedside. I say privilege, because I have so many friends who have lost their parents suddenly and not been able to say goodbye and hold their hands…

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Impromptu lesson in cooking paella for 50

Andalucians love to eat, drink and party, and no time is this more apparent than during social gatherings. Be it a religious celebration, a family affair, or simply a friendly get-together, any Spanish gathering is synonymous with lots and LOTS of food! My husband has been taking a woodcarving class this spring and the end-of-term…

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