Here comes the gas man!

If you believe you have a tough job, think again. One of the most demanding occupations here in Spain must be to deliver the gas bottles to the country’s homes and businesses. I had a chat with our local bombonero and discovered that he lifts close to 10,000 kg – per day!   In almost every Spanish neighbourhood…

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Summer sizzle

We know it is summer in our Andalucian hometown when the only time it is liveable outside is before 9 am in the morning or after 9 pm at night. The hottest we experienced was the day we passed a thermometer outside a pharmacy, measuring 52 degrees. Not to forget that time during our first…

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Words of the wise

As you read this, my husband and I are travelling around Morocco by rail to mark my 60th birthday. I am NOT sharing this news to attract felicitations (Please don’t!) or sympathy. Rather the contrary. I usually keep very quiet about such occasions and am no great celebrator of birthdays in general. I cannot remember…

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How Spanish have we become?

After living in Spain for a decade, it is almost unavoidable that we have begun to inherit some Spanish habits, attitudes, and even ways of being. It isn’t as if we suddenly start dancing Flamenco in the streets and speaking while everybody else is talking. The changes are more subtle than that, as we, of…

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BENITO GÓMEZ Ronda’s no-nonsense Michelin-Chef

«In the end, it is about the essence and quality of the products, and the care one takes in preparing the food. There is no greater secret than that.»  This year, 289 Spanish restaurants received stars from the world-renowned French gastronomy-bible, Michelin. 23 are in Andalucía and eight are found in the Málaga-province, more specifically…

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Our decade in Andalucía

    Unbelievable, but true! Exactly ten years ago to the day, on a stormy night on November 3rd, 2012, my husband and I arrived in the small town of Ronda in Andalucía with a couple of suitcases. Our few other earthly possessions that we hadn’t given away, donated, sold, recycled, or thrown away, sat…

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